Health & Fitness

Essential Minerals for Strong Bones


In 2004, the US Surgeon General warned the American population that by the year 2020, all Americans over the age of 50 would be likely to have weak bones. There are various ways in which the bones can be strengthened.These start with maintaining a normal weight, having regular exercises, avoid cigarettes and alcohol. A diet rich in some minerals is also effective to promote bone strength.


Calcium is essential to maintain bone strength and health. The body cannot produce its own calcium and it should therefore be obtained from the diet or through supplements. Calcium-rich foods include dairy products, almonds and dark leafy vegetables. The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary supplements had even stated that Americans in general do not get enough calcium. Women tend to have more calcium deficiencies than men.


The intake of magnesium helps to improve the mineral density in the bones and regular metabolism hormones of calcium. A magnesium deficiency may be a major cause of osteoporosis in women over the age of 50. Foods that are rich in magnesium comprise of soybeans, almonds, halibut and spinach. Magnesium supplements can also be taken.


Including phosphorus in the diet helps to promote bone support and tissue growth. 85 of our phosphorus is located in the human bone. Another form of phosphorus, the phosphate constitutes of over 50 percent of the bone mineral mass. Foods rich in phosphorus include meat, cereals, dairy products and bread. The recommended daily allowance is about 700 mg for adults above the age of 30.

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