Health & Fitness

Possible Reasons for Weight Gain


Factors contributing to weight gain are numerous and it seems that on a regular basis new causes are discovered. People wanting to keep off weight are trying all methods to explain any irregular weight gain. Researches have demonstrated for sure about the negative effects of inactivity and junk food, but the factors below might get you thinking.

Passive Smoking

Smoking is not responsible for weight loss, but adversely it can even cause people to gain weight. Recently, the American Journal of Physiology has shown some evidence proving the weight gain effects brought about by secondhand smoking. The smoke that lingers from smoking in homes lead to the formation of ceramide in the body. This is a small lipid that inhibits normal cell functioning. This can be avoided by just quitting smoking.

Working Night Shifts

Working night shifts not only disrupts the body’s biological clock but it also leaves you with cravings. A lack of sleep is generally the cause of carbohydrate cravings during the day. Lack of sleep also slows down the metabolism. People working night shifts would normally use up less energy and unless they reduce their food intake, they would be prone to weight gain.


The constant use of antibiotics, especially among younger children in the USA have been attributed as one of the causes of obesity. This might be because the use of antibiotics in excess doses would lead to the elimination of healthy bacteria responsible for proper food digestion. As a result of this the food is not properly broken down in the stomach and not properly digested.

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