Health & Fitness

4 Ways By Which You Can Measure Fitness Progress


If you’ve been working out and not measuring it, then how will you if you’ve made progress? In other words, how will you know whether you should stick with your workout?

Having said that, here are 4 ways by which you can measure progress:

1: Body Mass Index

This method takes into consideration your height and weight. Since it involves a formula, you can look for a BMI calculator online. Once it performs the calculations, you will belong to four categories. They are underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. That said, this method only works best for overweight adults and children.

2: The Bathroom Scale

The bathroom scale won’t work unless you pair it with another method. This is because it doesn’t tell you the entire story. Some of these methods include skinfold calipers, ultrasound, underwater weighing to measure body composition. Together, you will get a better idea of the changes taking place in your body.

3: Circumference Measurements

With bathroom scale readouts, measuring your waist, abdomen and hips among others can help. For example, your weight might have stayed the same. Still, these measurements will reveal that you’ve lost two pant sizes. Places to measure include the waist, hips, thigh and chest.

4: Fitness Apps

Apps that track fitness are usually nothing more than glorified journals. There are several aspects that you can track. Some of these include food, quantity and frequency of exercise. This will help beginners a lot especially if they’re able to use all the tools in these apps. Four popular apps include MyPlate, MyFitnessPal, MapMyRide and MapMyRun.

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