Health & Fitness

Best Nutrients For Strong Teeth


To maintain the health of teeth, one would indeed need to take some care. For instance, regular brushing, floss and mouthwash are the routines that we all know about. However, to maintain extra strength of the teeth, there are also some supplements that can be taken.


The mineral that is naturally found in the jawbone is calcium. If a person is not getting an adequate amount of calcium, the jaw will weaken and the person is at risk of losing some teeth. As from the age of 19 to 49 a person would be requiring about 1,000mg of calcium per day. Those over 50 would need around 1,200mg daily. One cup of milk or yogurt contains around 300 mg.

Vitamin D

Calcium is important for the teeth. In order for the body to effectively absorb calcium it needs vitamin D. According to the WHO, at least 4000 IU of vitamin D is required daily. Milk contains about 100IU per cup while a serving of fish such as salmon or mackerel contains 300 IU.

Vitamin C

When it comes to the health of the teeth and the overall body, Vitamin C is by far one of the most important nutrient. Vitamin C is responsible for building collagen in the body. This helps the teeth to remain attached to the gums. According to a study by the Journal of Periodontology, people who took less than 60 mg of vitamin C had 150 more risk of having gum diseases compared to those who took at least 180 mg.

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